Student Solution


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Discussion (17)

Discussion (17)

Q The subject of divorce has been the topic of multiple research studies over the course of many years. The research studies and results highlighted in Chapter 13 of Intimate Relationships include Levinger's Barrier Model (pp. 398- 399); Karney and Bradbury's Vulnerability- Stress- Adaptation Model (pages 399- 401); Results from the PAIR Project (pages 401- 403); and Results from the Early Years of Marriage Project (pages 403- 404). Which of these studies did you find most interesting, and why?

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Hello everyone on the forum I think all the models are very interesting and each model is having some kinds of usages. It is really difficult to choose one of these 4. I think the EYM project of the early years of marriage project is the most interesting and important as well, in regard to divorce. Marriage is itself a complicated decision and it is not that everything will run smoothly among the couple after the marriage. Marriage means two completely unknown or partly unknown or partly known persons are tied in a bond to live the rest of their lives together. The main problem in marriage often occurs from cohabitating issues and sometimes this is the reason behind divorce cases. A couple can have a long term relationship before their marriage but that does not mean that they know